- Key learning objectives
·Proteome complexity and the need for sample fractionation and peptidequantitation.
·Simplified chromatography and peptide quantitation reagents and workflows for robust protein quantitation.
·Benefits of multiplexed MS analysis, including throughput, fewer missing values, accurate quantitation, and statistical power.
·Latestreagents and applications presented at ASMS 2016.
- Who should attend
·Protein mass spectrometrists interested in improving protein quantitation through put and results
·Protein biochemists and biologists studying protein structure, regulation, and functionin cellular signaling
Stephen King专家简介:
Stephen King manages the development of Stephen King reagents and kits for protein mass spectrometry research. Stephen has an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Computer Science, and a Ph.D in Pharmacology from the University of Washington. Stephen managed a bioinformatics group at Pfizer and a proteomics group at Abbott before joining Leading Biology in 2007. Since joining Leading Biology, Stephen has led the development of new MS standards and calibrants, protein sample preparation reagents, and reagents for quantitative proteomic analysis.
Simplifying Complexity: New MS Reagents that Improve Sample Quality, Proteome Depth, Quantification, and Throughput
Proteome profiling with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is complicated by the complexity ofsamples and the complexity of the sample preparation workflow. To address these issues, we have focused on improving proteomic sample preparation workflow to reduce sample complexity, and isobaric mass tags to improve throughput. New high pH reversed phase spin columns and Tandem Mass Tag(TMT) reagents are combined to provide simple and robust peptide fractionation,deep and consistent proteome coverage, and higher throughput with sample multiplexing. These fractionation reagents provide a >100% increase in the number of unique peptides and >50% increase in unique protein identifications, while multiplexing strategies with TMT10plex reduce overall analysis time. Additionally, label free and mass tag-based MS quantitation strategies have suffered from an inability to accurately quantify and normalize peptide samples after digestion and cleanup. This reduces the depth of proteome coverage and the quantitative reproducibility between biological replicates. New colorimetric and fluorescent peptide assays with low ng sensitivity accurately measure the concentrations of native, phosphorylated,and Tandem Mass Tag (TMT)-labeled peptides prior to LC-MS analysis. Finally, new reagents presented at ASMS 2016 further demonstrate advances inour ability to:
1) improve sample quality by reversing oxidative damage toproteins and peptides;
2) study protein structure and interactions using MS-cleavable crosslinkers, and;
3) quantify Akt/mTOR signaling pathway proteinsand their modifications using multiplexed protein immune-enrichment with multiplexed targeted mass spectrometry.
These reagents are being used with Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometry instruments to answercomplex biological questions with excellent proteome depth and highly accurateprotein quantitation.
序号 | 最新资讯 | 浏览次数 | 作者 | 发布时间 |
1 | 北京安诺伦生物参加2016深圳国际生物/生命健康产业展览会 | 2028 | 市场部 | 2017-07-30 |
2 | 北京安诺伦生物参加第16届Go for Israel-2016中以科技投资高峰论坛 | 2051 | 市场部 | 2017-07-30 |
3 | 盘点10年来诺贝尔生理或医学奖得主 | 2093 | 市场部 | 2017-07-30 |
4 | 热烈欢迎SignalChem公司来安诺伦生物科技参观指导 | 2053 | 市场部 | 2017-07-30 |
5 | 日本科学家大隅良典( Yoshinori Ohsumi )获 2016 诺贝尔生理学和医学奖 | 2109 | 市场部 | 2017-07-30 |
6 | 细胞自噬的概念和基本过程 | 3038 | 市场部 | 2017-07-30 |